
Kathyleen Beveridge

Kris Porter


This event made me realize how Computer Science can teach skills that will be needed. Kathyleen mentioned that although she works in a finance department, Computer Science taught her skills such as Critical Thinking which also led to her being successful as a problem solver. Continuous Learning was a skill that Kris said was important to have and I agree with that. Continuous learning is what is needed for someone to become successful, the better one is at learning, the faster they will be able to improve and become successful. Programming is a skill that is not just needed in Computer Science but a lot of other areas so computer science also help people not in CS become success in this aspect as well. I have realized that coding helps create a new way of thinking that first dissects a problem, then think how to solve it. This has been helpful in a lot of other areas in the my life so I have experienced Kris’s claim.